Tarif Paket Internet Kartu AS Telkomsel

For Telkomsel AS customers, this card is supplied with the most appropriate internet packages, cheapest, and terfleksibel as needed it will greatly help our mobile activity. How much does, with the famous card cheap internet connection, this can be done without having to replace the card. For these purposes, this time I present information about internet rates Telkomsel AS 2013.

Basically, there are 2 kinds or types of internet tariff which often utilized the user AS, which is taken from the Packet Internet Flash AS Optima Internet Flash Pack and AS Ultima. Internet rates of each type of the package are as follows:

Internet Rates AS Flash Optima

Internet rates AS Flash Optima and its acquisition, active period, and its velocity is:

Package Price Reasonable Usage Limits Active Period Maximum Speed
Rp. 6,00040 MB1 Hari3,6 Mbps
Rp. 11,00085 MB1 Hari3,6 Mbps
Rp. 60,000500 MB14 Hari3,6 Mbps
Rp. 130,0002 GB30 Hari3,6 Mbps
Rp. 250,0004 GB30 Hari3,6 Mbps

Internet rates sparingly in enjoying AS Flash Optima, there are things to know that access speed is lowered up to 16 kbps (max) when the use of reasonable usage limits (active period). Customers will not incur additional charges. As for the registration Package for the Internet AS Flash Optima, please follow these steps:
  1. Through (direct from mobile phone/modem). Type * 370 # and OK/Call from your mobile phone/modem-mu, and then select the menu Flash Optima-Based Quota
  2. Via SMS to 3636
  3. Through the web site www.telkomsel.com/infoflash or Self Care T-Care.
If you want to check the status of the use of Internet packages AS Flash Optima, there are two options that can take are:
  1. By SMS with format: UL INFO and send SMS to 3636 (free of charge)
  2. Through web Self Care T-Care.
While the Internet Package to unsubscribe Ace Flash Optima, can do so by:
  1. By SMS with format: UL OFF and send SMS to 3636 (free of charge)
  2. Through direct access from your mobile phone/modem
More important than all that, in Internet Packet-efficient enjoyed AS Flash Optima, need to observe and understand the terms, having &, namely:
  1. The package is valid only for the prepaid customers SIMPATI, AS and a Prime Flash Unlimited
  2. Price including VAT
  3. Valid only for domestic use (does not apply for International Roaming will be charged separately)
  4. After passing the limits of reasonable usage, access speed is lowered up to 16 kbps (max) with NO additional charge
  5. Use the Access Point Name (APN): Internet or Telkomsel
  6. Customers can buy a TURBO Pack (Rp and Rp 50rb 100rb) to restore the speed temporarily after his fair use quota is exhausted (in the active period of the package)
Internet Rates Ace Flash Ultima

Basically, internet rates prevailing at AS Flash Pack Ultima is a volume-based fee appropriate responsibilities so that the magnitude of the volume of use. Price, period of active quotas, and maximum speed of Internet packages AS Flash Ultima is as shown in the table:

Package Price Active Period Quota Maximum Speed
Rp. 1,5001 Hari2.5 MB3,6 Mbps
Rp. 2,5002 Hari6 MB3,6 Mbps
Rp. 5,0007 Hari15 MB (12 MB + 3 MB on 3 g Network)3,6 Mbps
Rp. 10,0007 Hari40 MB (35 MB + 5 MB on 3 g Network)3,6 Mbps
Rp. 20,0007 Hari170 MB3,6 Mbps
Rp. 50,00030 Hari300 MB3,6 Mbps
Rp. 100,00030 Hari1GB3,6 Mbps
Rp. 225,00030 Hari4 GB3,6 Mbps
Rp. 400,00030 Hari8 GB3,6 Mbps

As a side note, if interested in this card internet tariffs, can be menikamtinya by way of purchase of one time (one time purchase) or subscription (autorenewal) which the customer will be automatically extended when the active period of the package is the package ends. As for how to Activate Internet packages AS Flash Ultima is as follows:

Buy One Time (One Time Purchase)
  1. Activation via * 370 #
  2. Choose the Flash Pack Ultima and choose option 1. Buy for one-time purchase (no subscription)
  3. Customers will have to wait until there is confirmation of activation of the SMS package. When the SMS activation package was received, customers are able to enjoy the package.
Subscribe (Autorenewal)
Activation via * 370 #
  1. Choose the Flash Pack Ultima and choose option 2. Subscribe
  2. Customers will have to wait until there is confirmation of activation of the SMS package. When the SMS activation package was received, customers are able to enjoy the package.
  3. By activating this package, then the package will be automatically extended when the active period ended.
be sure to receive SMS confirmation of activation of the package prior to internet access via TELKOMSELFlash. After receiving a confirmation SMS checking quota in * 889 #. If you do access the internet before getting a confirmation SMS, will be exposed to the normal rates.

To check the status of the use of Internet packages Ace Flash Ultima, can do so easily, that is by:
  1. Check your recent usage through * 222 #
  2. Quota package can be in check in * 107 #
  3. Check the status of your package by typing flash < ' spaces > info send to 3636
Another important usage of Internet packages Ace Flash Ultima, should be subject to the applicable provisions of &, namely:
  1. Only applies for ACEs customers
  2. Price including VAT
  3. Pemakain is valid only for domestic (not passed for International Roaming to be on a separate charge)
  4. After passing the volume that is provided, the customer will be charged IDR 1.5/Kb
  5. After a period of active usage will be subject in normal
  6. Mengunakkan Acces Point Name (APN): Internet or Telkomsel
  7. The package will be extended or stop automatically every 23: 59 in accordance with the active package.
